Shelby Bupp Crockett

My photo
Birmingham, Michigan, United States
I live in Birmingham, Michigan, with my husband Kyle, our son Nathan and our daughter Evelyn. The blog is named for our late dog Pete, a Rhodesian Ridgeback who died in 2014. Late in 2015, we returned to the US after living five years overseas (Seoul, South Korea and Königstein im Taunus, Germany).

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


So, remember Evy's first birthday?

That's also the day that we learned we would be repatriating in summer 2015...never let it be said that I can't keep a secret!

So, after 5 years abroad, growing into a family of 4, living in 3 countries and giving birth on 2 different continents, we start the next chapter officially Stateside on July 1.

What. An. Adventure.

:) sbc


  1. Yay! You're coming home! Any idea where yet? LOL - super planner;)

    1. Metro Detroit, Ang! Kyle was in town last week looking for houses, likely Birmingham, possibly Northville.
