Shelby Bupp Crockett

My photo
Birmingham, Michigan, United States
I live in Birmingham, Michigan, with my husband Kyle, our son Nathan and our daughter Evelyn. The blog is named for our late dog Pete, a Rhodesian Ridgeback who died in 2014. Late in 2015, we returned to the US after living five years overseas (Seoul, South Korea and Königstein im Taunus, Germany).

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Natey Wi Is Three!

Happy birthday to our little boy! Three years...WOW. 

May 28, 2011, Seoul, Repuplic of Korea:

 May 28, 2012, DeWitt, Michigan:

 May 28, 2013, Königstein, Germany:

May 28, 2014, Königstein, Germany:

We love you, Cutes! 

:) sbc and Daddy

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Eight is Great!

Yesterday little Evy-kins hit the eight month mark. She spends most of her time crawling (toward Pete) and in the downward facing dog yoga position. She continues to love sweet potatoes, but is really not loving the other sweet stuff. She shudders and then kind of pushes bananas, pears and apples out of her month. Cute, but messy!

Wake up!
Are those your cheeks? 
Mommy & Evy
My little worried pirate
The look of mischief
:) sbc

Friday, May 23, 2014


Trust me, you don't want this post to have pictures. 

Since last Thursday, Kyle (thanks for staying home, babe) and I have been in a seemingly endless cycle of doing laundry, texting the doc with the latest temps and "activity," sanitizing toys/surfaces and trying to stay healthy.  Now I am happy to report that after a week of flu going through our homestead, we are all healthy again! 

In other news, T-minus five days until a certain, little man turns THREE! 

:) sbc

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What A Difference A Day Makes

On Tuesday, I discovered that Evy got her first tooth: her bottom left.

Wednesday (today), I discovered that she got her second tooth: her bottom right.

What a difference a day makes!

Two teeth and I still can't get this tag off!
:) sbc

Sunday, May 11, 2014

M-O-M Spells Mom

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!

Evy missed the memo that you are supposed to let your Mom sleep in and began filling her daily babble quota at about 6:40am. On the plus side, we had a nice walk and a fresh-from-the-oven-crossiant at the neighborhood bakery around 8am! 
Early morning pause for paws (tee hee hee)
It has been a nice weekend. Nathan made me a bouquet at school and Evy starting crawling...both wonderful gifts!

Lucullus--one of our favorite places 
Crockett Family
Take Two 
Dodging the raindrops on the way home
Let's race!
Nate says, "One day we'll be old enough for a Mocha, Evy!"
The ones that made me a mommy
My heart goes pitter patter
Making herself right at home at Starbucks
 :) sbc

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Doctor, Doctor!

Stay still!
Please take a deep breath 
This is gonna hurt a little
Time for your shot! 
Brave Daddy gets a hug after his shot
:) sbc