Shelby Bupp Crockett

My photo
Birmingham, Michigan, United States
I live in Birmingham, Michigan, with my husband Kyle, our son Nathan and our daughter Evelyn. The blog is named for our late dog Pete, a Rhodesian Ridgeback who died in 2014. Late in 2015, we returned to the US after living five years overseas (Seoul, South Korea and Königstein im Taunus, Germany).

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Just "Half" to Tell You

On November 28, we hit six month mark! 

I can't believe it has been half a year since we met Nathy-bean (Sage's nickname for him on Skype today) and held him in our arms. 

I am a big believer in celebrating half birthdays, plus, it turns out many privileges come with turning 1/2 year. Some examples:

You get your first tooth.

At six months, you get to make reservations with the two Mrs. Kims at Seoul Club. They love Nathan and I can access the "kids club channel" from my treadmill. When I tuned in, I saw Nathan on a pillow, surrounded by the two Mrs. Kims and some other women all fawning over him with rattles and toys. Hilarious. 

++Check back for photo++
(I had to cancel the reservation that was going to result in a cute photo. I forgot my workout bag and by the time I got back home it was afternoon naptime and I was relegated to the damn stairmaster...anyhoo)

You get to be in the big bath tub.
You get to go to Pampered Chef parties.
Jessica, Stephanie, Nathan and Dani
 You get to have bananacado (smashed bananas and avocados--yum!).

Cheeks, Natey Wi, Nate-Dogg, Nate, him what you like, but he's on his way to lucky-number-seven (months)!


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