Shelby Bupp Crockett

My photo
Birmingham, Michigan, United States
I live in Birmingham, Michigan, with my husband Kyle, our son Nathan and our daughter Evelyn. The blog is named for our late dog Pete, a Rhodesian Ridgeback who died in 2014. Late in 2015, we returned to the US after living five years overseas (Seoul, South Korea and Königstein im Taunus, Germany).

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Life Is Tough--Wear A Helmet

Nathan received a bike and--of course--a helmet from my Mom, my Dad, Kyle and me for his second birthday. 

He wore his helmet most of the evening and woke up this morning saying, "Bicycle! Hel-nut!" I think it's safe to say he really likes his birthday present :)
A new bike!
Birthday boy
Interviewing riding partners
Two candles--make a wish!
Coloring with Daddy

His birthday was also celebrated at Crazy Caterpillars today. When I dropped him off, they were fitting him for his "birthday crown."
Happy to see Momma  
The birthday king with his crown
I tried and tried to get one of him looking at the camera,
but he was too busy loading crayons onto his tractor

1 comment:

  1. Ha! We put a kid's seat on the back of my bike last year for Caroline and she loves it:) Fortunately, this year she appears to be over the habit of lifting the back of my shirt and shouting "WEEEEEEE" like she did all last year!
